It takes about 20 minutes to drive there from Danville, PA.

The Sports Zone is located about half way between Montandon (Rt 45) and Northumberland (Rt 11) on Rt 147.

Here's one of the most used routes.

From the intersection of Continental Blvd. (Rt 54) in Danville drive 6.3 miles South on Rt 11 to Ridge Road. The sign for Ridge Road is on the left side of Route 11, but is a right hand turn.

Turn Right onto Ridge Road and drive 6.5 miles (about 1.25 miles past the road into Furman's Foods processing plant) to the end of Ridge Road at Rt 147.

Turn Right onto Route 147 and travel about 1 mile.

The Sports Zone is a large yellow colored building to the left.  There is a sign on the left marking the entrance.  The Zone sits about 300 yds off Route 147, down a slight hill.