November 17, 2014

Danville Girls Soccer Booster Club
Meeting Minutes

Members Present: Terry Jones, Greg Shultz, Bob Chillis, Mike Heimbach
Present via teleconference: none

Old Business:
A. Profit totals from Sportsman Raffle was ~ $7,500.

B. Last year’s End-of-Year Banquet each class was required to bring a side dish.

New Business:
A. Reminder sent to all parents re: End-of-Year Banquet on Dec 7, 2014.

B. Request for pictures to be sent to Terry Jones for addition into slide show @ Separate email will need sent to senior parents for a chronology of pictures of their girls.

C. Motion to have entire Banquet catered vs. having each class bring a side dish.

Motion by Terry Jones
Seconded by Greg Shultz

D. Discussion to consider next year’s soccer camp be held at Susquehanna University with bus transportation provided.
E. Fundraisers for next year to be considered:
1) Gas Raffle
2) S&K Sub sale
3) Sportsman Raffle in form of Gift Card only
4) Friendly’s Fundraiser

Financial Standing:

Nothing new to report.

Upcoming Meeting(s):

Meeting: TBA
Agenda: TBA

Motion to adjourn by Bob Chillis
Seconded by Mike Heimbach

Minutes written by:

Bob Chillis