August 10, 2014
Danville Girls Soccer Booster Club
Meeting Minutes
Members Present: Terry Jones, Greg Shultz, Bob Chillis, Mike Heimbach
Present via teleconference: none
Old Business:
A. Overview of expences and distribution of funds last season (2013-2014)
totaled greater than $8000 for various items required for soccer team.
B. Sportsman Raffle tickets return deadlines reviewed/ revised.
---Unsold tickets to be returned by August 15, 2014
---All sold tickets to be returned by August 27,2014 (picture night)
C. Warm-up suits for Freshman to be available within the next 2-3 weeks.
New Business:
A. Discussion for donation of $25 vs. 3 cases of drinks for concession stand.
Motion to make $25 donation the standard for this year by Bob Chillis
Seconded by Greg Shultz
Donations given on 8-10-14 by:
Berg, Morran, and Jaramillo
B. Assignment for post-practice snacks for next two weeks.
Monday 8-11 AM- Berg PM- Ernest
Tuesday 8-12 AM- Chillis PM- Heimbach
Wednesday 8-13 AM- Pritchard PM- Harris
Thursday 8-14 AM- Shipe PM- Hartzel
Friday 8-15 PM- Jones
Monday 8-18 AM- Morran PM- Haney
Tuesday 8-19 AM- Wildt
Assignment still needed from Tuesday 8-19 PM through Friday 8-22 PM
C. Question for consideration for team banner presented by Sherri Jones.
Motion to investigate pricing by Sherri Jones
Seconded by Bob Chillis
Financial Standing:
Nothing new to report.
Upcoming Meeting(s):
Meeting: TBA
Agenda: TBA
Motion to adjourn by Bob Chillis
Seconded by Greg Shultz
Minutes written by:
Bob Chillis