June 26, 2014

Danville Girls Soccer Booster Club
Meeting Minutes

Members Present: Terry Jones, Greg Shultz, Bob Chillis, Betsy Deal
Present via teleconference: none

Old Business:
A. Sportsaman/Gun Raffle-- Cost for 15 guns through Maple Ridge Sports Center invoiced at $5,337.10.
B. Sportsman Raffle tickets distributed to parents present at meeting.
---Unsold tickets to be returned by August 15, 2014
---All sold tickets to be returned by August 20,2014
New Business:
A. Committee chair position volunteers assigned.
---Middle School snack stand committee chair- Rhonda Wildt
---High School Concession stand committee chair- Christine Pritchard and Bobbie Esenwein
---Senior Night committee chair- Sherri Jones
---Year End Banquet committee chair- Karen Metler
---Fundraising Committee chair- none assigned

B. Question raised to keep banquet on Dec. 7, 2014 at existing venue- Trinity Lutheran Church

Motion to keep existing location by Gary Ernst
Seconded by Betsy Deal

C. Discussion to consider a portion of Sportsman Raffle profits for donation to Mackensie Riley

Motion to consider donation by Bob Chillis
Seconded by Kathy Sidler

E. Senior Night game night to be Oct. 9, 2014.

Financial Standing:

Nothing new to report.

Upcoming Meeting(s):

Meeting: TBA
Agenda: TBA

Motion to adjourn by Bill Metler
Seconded by Terry Jones

Minutes written by:

Bob Chillis