Booster Minutes 5/15/14


Danville Area Girls Soccer Booster Club
Meeting Minutes
Members Present: Gary Ernest, Terry Jones, Betsy Deal, Jack Deal, Bob Chillis and Greg Shultz.
A. Old Business: Nothing to Report

B. New Business

1. Gary Ernest Booster Club President has offered his resignation as Booster Club President. Motion to accept resignation: Terry Jones
Motion seconded by: Greg Shultz

The attending members praised Gary for his service and perseverance to keep the club viable.

2. Nominations were solicited for the following positions:
President: Motion to nominate Mike Heimbach by Terry jones and seconded by Gary Ernest
Vice President: Motion to nominate Terry Jones by Greg Shultz seconded by Bob Chillis: All Present were in favor.
Treasurer: Lisa Foster has tendered her resignation a motion was made by Terry Jones to accept and the motion was seconded by Betsy Deal. Motion was made by Bob Chillis to nominate Greg Shultz as Treasurer and was seconded by Gary Ernest. All present were in favor.
Asst: Treasurer: Motion was made to nominate Betsy Deal as assistant Treasurer by Greg Shultz and motion as seconded by Terry Jones. All present were in favor.
Secretary: Nomination was made by Terry Jones to nominate Bob Chillis a second was given by Greg Shultz all present were in favor.

3. Future Dates were discussed but not finalized to discuss the following topics at our next meeting:
a. Committee volunteers
b. Raffle Fundraiser
c. Junior High volunteers
Minutes written by:

Terry Jones
Booster Secretary