Girls Soccer Booster Meeting Agenda
October 9, 2006
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM HS Room 116



Treasurer Report – Donna Brua



Donna stated she will issue the Treasurer Report under separate cover.  She verbally reported the combined savings and checking account balances were approximately $5,300.  She stated the account balance includes an $800 non-restricted anonymous donation to benefit the girls.  The boosters thank the anonymous donor for this generous contribution!  The boosters approved the purchase of a $25 gift certificate for both the concession stand parent coordinators to offset some of their personal expenditures for gas to purchase concession stand supplies.

Action Item:


Donna will purchase the gift certificates and issue the report under separate cover.

Person Accountable:



Deadline / Target Date:




Parent Volunteer Updates:

Pasta Dinners Coordinator

*Fr on Wed. 10/11/06

*Rita’s Italian Ice Purchase

*Budget $200

In Denise Karnes’s absence, Tina reminded everyone there is a pasta dinner on Wed. 10/11/06.  Additionally, Tina reported $76.95 of the $200 budget was spent on a Rita’s Italian Ice purchase distributed to the girls on 9/5/06.  The boosters approved another $56.95 to be spent on a purchased pasta dinner if the girls advance to district play.  $56.95 = [32 girls + 4 coaches *$5 = $180 less balance from original approved budget of $123.05 ($180-$76.95)

Gifts for Girls

Spring Santos displayed the hand towels and boosters recommended they be embroidered with a soccer ball with Danville Ironmen above the ball and the girl’s first name below the ball.  Tina will arrange for the embroidering.  Additionally, Spring described bottles she found on the internet and boosters approved the purchase which was a minimum of 72 bottles.  Spring will contact the boys boosters to inquire if they want to purchase any of the extra bottles for their gifts.  Update since meeting:  24 bottles were distributed to the Boys Booster Coordinator who will sell them and then pay $144 to the Girls Boosters.

Post-Season Banquet Coordinator

*Banquet on 11/12/06

*Budget $50 per senior gifts

Donna Brua requested an additional $10 per senior gift which was approved by the boosters.  Theresa Cook volunteered to assist Donna next year as a post-season banquet coordinator.  Thanks Theresa!  Boosters in attendance requested a booster meeting before the banquet to solicit volunteers to serve as co-coordinates for next year.

Other Parent Volunteer Updates

Pete reported an anonymous donation of 10 pizzas to the concession stand on 10/3/06.  The boosters thank the anonymous donor for this contribution!  PJ requested a volunteer to open the Old Field Concession stand for next season.  Rhonda Brouse volunteered to fill this position.  Thanks Rhonda!  Tina reported the Stadium field microwave was destroyed over the summer and was replaced by a donated microwave from the Bruas.  Thanks Donna!  Boosters noted there is only one key to the Stadium concession stand.  Boosters will ask Ron Kanaskie if another key can be issued.  There were no other parent updates.

Booster Co-coordinators


Update since meeting: Kim Beyer and Linda Paugh volunteered to serve as co-cordinators next year.  Thanks Kim & Linda!

Concession Stand Food Donations/Parent Volunteer Sign-ups Coordinator

Rhonda Brouse volunteered to fill this position next year.  Thanks Rhonda!

Soda/Water Donations Coordinator

Barb Shoemaker volunteered to fill this position next year.  Thanks Barb!

Communications Coordinator

Mike Carr volunteered to fill this position next year.  Thanks Mike!

Home Game Announcer


Senior Night Coordinator

Theresa Cook volunteered to fill this position next year.  Thanks Theresa!



Update since meeting:  Barb Dennen volunteered to serve as the treasurer for next year.  Thanks Barb!

Freshman White Long Sleeve T Shirts

Deb Baylor volunteered to fill this position next year.  Thanks Deb!




Action Item:


A volunteer is still need to serve as the Home Game Announcer.  If you can help please let Kim & Linda know ASAP.

Person Accountable:



Deadline / Target Date:




Miscellaneous Items

  1. Select date for next Booster meeting (Jan. ‘07)
  2. Other items? 



1.       Tina recommended the new booster co-coordinators schedule a booster meeting be held sometime in Jan. ’07 to discuss the coaches’ plans for the summer (team attend a summer camp and/or tournament).  Update since meeting:  1/9/07 is the meeting date, 1/23/07 is the snow date.

2.       Tina reported the following remaining stock items:

·              14 pairs of socks remaining (7 white + 7 orange)

·              1 embroidered soccer raffle blanket

·              4 old hoodie sweatshirts (size Large)

·              1 old sweatpant (size Medium) free w/purchase of sweatshirt @ $5

Action Item:


New booster co-coordinators need to distribute reminder email contain meeting location and time prior to Jan. ’07 meeting. 

Person Accountable:



Deadline / Target Date:




Coaches Update



The coaches called Tina prior to the meeting.  Since they didn’t have any updates at this time they remained at the practice field with the girls during the booster meeting.

Action Item:


Person Accountable:



Deadline / Target Date:

















































DAHS Girls Soccer

Booster Volunteer List

2006 Season




Booster Co-coordinators

Kunselman (Sr)/Cutright (Sr)


Brua (Jr)

Concession Stand Opener

Taylor (Jr)

Concession Stand Closer

Stadium Field:  Cook (So)

Old Field:          OPEN

Concession Stand Food Donations/Parent Volunteer Sign-ups Coordinator

Hunter (Sr)


Sam’s Club/Weis/Giant Mid-week shopper

Taylor (Jr)/Venarchick (Jr/Jr)

Soda/Water Donations Coordinator

Bross (Sr)

Fruit Coordinator

Beyer (So)

Pizza Coordinator (return hot box & pay vendor)


Communications Coordinator

Boudeman (Sr)

Home Game Announcer

Boudeman (Sr)

Game Statisticians

Jantzi (Jr)/Carros (Fr)

Home Game 50-50 Raffle Tickets Co-Coordinators

Brua (Jr)/Carr (Fr)

Home Game Blanket Raffle Tickets Co-Coordinators

Paugh (Jr)

Home Game Ball Girl Coordinator (AYSO/Club)


Game Photography (camcorder)

Jantzi (Jr)

Game Photography (still shots)

Brua (Jr)

Pasta Dinners Coordinator

Karnes (Fr)

Senior Night Coordinator

Hunter (Sr)

Post-Season Banquet Coordinators

Brua (Jr)/Cutright (Sr)

Freshman White Shirts Coordinator

Karnes (Fr)

Gifts for Girls Coordinator

Santos (Fr)

Parent Representatives

Freshman – Karnes

Sophomore - Cook

Junior - Brua

Senior - Cutright/Kunselman