Danville High School Girls’ Soccer
Booster Meeting Minutes
Coaches’/Trainer’s Report:
New PIAA requirements: review and sign cardiac arrest and concussion
awareness sheets. Must understand the warning signs and symptoms of both
conditions. Important to report symptoms right away for concussions.
Cardiac arrest paper will become part of CIPPA after the fall season. When
in doubt, sit them out. Out for game. Matt Gelbaugh & Dr. Feldmann can
only clear players to return due to legal issues / possible lawsuits.
Report all injuries to the trainer or coaches.
2 a day practices to be held 8/13-8/24 M-F. Important to hydrate! Nevin
Gorki will do ball skills in evening. Come ready to work. With a positive
attitude can do great things. Band camp participants are done by 5pm each
day and should be able to attend the evening session for the 1 week that
overlaps. Be dressed and ready to go prior to start times.
Mandatory Coaches PIAA Rules meeting
held Wednesday 8/8. The following topics were discussed:
Shin guards have to have “NOCSAE” stamp – no loose tags
Mercy rule – 7 goal margin – clock will continue to run without stoppage
except for injury
Abolished the “soft” red card. Two yellow cards equals a red card. Red
card – out for remainder of match and next match. Team will play down for
remainder of match.
Need 2 ball persons for each match. Need volunteers or else players will
have to cover
Code of Conduct for athletes – players and parents must sign. Code was
approved by school district and school board. Attendance at practice and
all team functions is required unless valid excuse is provided to coach
prior to absence. Leeway will be given for school related activities such
as orientation. Academics are important.
All players must ride school bus to and from matches, no exceptions.
Players must take the bus to the practice field unless they are a licensed
driver. Licensed drivers can only drive themselves and siblings, no other
riders allowed.
Middle school season successful, good upcoming players. Anticipate having
quality players for the next four years. 43 players have signed up for the
team at this point. Summer league held 1 day per week for 8 weeks,
attendance not good for the upper grades. Added 7th and 8th
grade players to ensure enough numbers. Sessions not mandatory, but
important to participate as much as possible.
Ironman sessions, need participation to be successful - 14 kids participated
including about ½ varsity team.
Millersburg 6v6 on Saturday 8/11 – placed 1st. Had 49 goals in 7
games. Pretty impressive result. Congratulations to the girls who
Communication is key. Please ensure that Coach Shipe is kept updated of all
current contact information – phone numbers and e-mail addresses.
Team calendar and information can be found on the team website which is
updated regularly – keep checking back as changes can occur:
Report any errors to Coach Shipe to correct
Opening page of website – team news at bottom requires a password
“MONTANA”. This has team specific news, rosters, etc.
Pick up team on schedule include quality opponents – Berwick, Line
Mountain, Central Mountain, Midd-West. Every game will be a challenge and
must be prepared.
Remember decisions you make have consequences.
Players to set goals…theme “unfinished business” check website
Varsity list includes all seniors, rest will be announced after pre-season
Still need a statistician for games
Upcoming events:
Car wash / breast cancer awareness fund raiser 8/18 11-2PM
Scrimmage vs Southern at soccer park 8/20 – referee fees paid by boosters
$100 per referee, 2 referees required
Pictures 8/23 at stadium 4:15PM
Lady Ironman soccer clinic – 8/25 9-11AM
Booster’s “to do” list:
Must have constitutional by-laws, name of booster club, and list of
officers / contacts formally documented and submitted to the school
district before mid-season.
Discuss scholarship fund, currently no balance, so if continuing need
Formally involve players in booster meetings
Old Business:
Gas Raffle Fundraiser – Not all tickets were returned, defer drawing
to 8/181000 tickets available for sale and have been distributed to some of
the players
Gertrude Hawk Candy Bar Fundraiser – hold in September. Can order and take up
to one month to pay.
T-shirt fundraiser – hold in October. Erin Sidler designing shirt.
Concessions –
Sign-up sheet circulated for concession stand, final list to be distributed
at a future date
Coaches and Tom Reber have key to concession stand. Per Tom, boys team is
discussing purchasing plastic cabinets. A grill will be available for use.
Mark Gentilucci is the boys soccer boosters president. Can contact him to
discuss joint projects.
Soccer warm ups – Spring Santos will follow up with vendor on order from last
year. Yvonne Knight taking orders for new players.
Snack list sign up for 2 a day practices circulated
Committees for 2012 Fall Season – Update/ Thank you all volunteers!
Concession Stand
Coordinator - still needed
Helper – Angie Walters – will open stand for each home game
Helper – Lisa Foster
Duties :
Staffing – create a work list that incorporates all parents. Varsity parents
cover JV games, JV parents cover varsity games.
Inventory – know what we have and make a list of needs to be given to
Purchasing Team.
Remind parents of dates they are working stand.
Purchasing Supplies
Team – Carla Raup – 594-3380 (txt)
Kathy Sidler – 854-2074 (txt)
Purchase all supplies needed for Concession stand.
Get list of needed supplies from Concession stand team.
Deliver supplies to stand.
Warm-up/T-shirt Order Committee
Coordinator – Yvonne Knight
Helpers – Zina Knight
T-shirt Designer – Quinn & Heather Albertson
Get new players sizes (have current players allow new girls to try on theirs
for accuracy)
Order warm-ups. (See Spring Taylor-Santos for information)
Work with team to create design for warm-up T-shirts.
Order warm-up T-shirts. (AllSports,Bloomsburg)
Spiritwear/Bag Order Committee
Coordinator – Michele Moyer – 764-2136 (txt)
Helper – Bill Schneck
Order Athletic Bags for new players and for existing players if they need new
ones. (at players expense)
Get ideas for design of family/team spirit wear.
Distribute order forms, collect orders and money, money to treasurer. (no one
can place an order unless money is paid up front)
Place order, sort and distribute.
Fund Raiser Committee
Coordinator – Gary Ernest
Helper – Lisa Foster – 441-3185 (txt)
Helper – Sherry Jones
Gather ideas for fund raisers.
Bring information to Booster meetings.
Distribute material for fund raiser.
Keep track of who is given what/track return of money/items.
Give all money to treasurer.
Community Service Committee
Coordinator – Sue Alberti
Helper – Gina Bross
Gather ideas to Pay It Forward,
Share information at Booster meetings.
Make project happen with help of all Parents/Team Members!!!
Away Game/ Summer Practice Committee
Coordinator –Ernest Family
Arrange for parents to donate drinks and light snacks for 2 a days in Aug.
Sign up at July 22nd meeting!
Arrange for Subs/Sandwiches & drinks to be purchased and delivered to bus for
far away games. (maybe 2 per regular season)
Senior Night/ Breast Cancer Awareness Committee
Coordinator – Michelle Moyer
Helper – Cynthia Ryan
Helper – Weifei Freedman
T-shirt Designer – Julianne Ernest
Design/order Pink T-shirts to be worn by team/parents at game. Order extras
to sell.
Arrange for info and products on Breast Cancer awareness for game.
Order/pick up flowers for senior players and their Moms.
Purchase and distribute supplies to Junior players for posters and to decorate
stadium. This will include balloons usually purchased with flowers.
Design and print Program to be handed out at game. Include picture and
personal information on each senior player.
End of Year Banquet Committee
Helper – Tony Knight
Helper – Tammy Berg
Helper – Beth Campbell
Helper - Morran
Others welcome!
Plan food, beverages, dessert etc. with committee for banquet.
Purchase gifts for seniors/coaches or assure someone is. (Cynthia has done it
the last 2 years, will do this year also)
Coordinate/create video slide show to honor seniors.
Videographer for games – Carl Naessig
Upcoming meetings:
Future meeting to be
scheduled in September, DHS cafeteria
Respectfully submitted,
Yvonne Knight