DHS Girls Soccer

Booster Club Meeting




I.                   INTRODUCTION- Jim Kishbaugh, President

II.                BUSINESS

a.      Volunteers Needed for Candid and game pictures for this year.

                                                              i.      Spring Santos has volunteered to take candid pictures this year.  Anyone else interested, please coordinate with Spring.

b.      Soccer bags for team players

                                                              i.      Spring Santos has volunteered to coordinate purchasing soccer bags for incoming freshmen, new players, and those players that need replacement bags.  Booster club provides one bag per player.  If you need a replacement bag, this will be at the player’s expense.

c.       Warm Up T-Shirts

                                                              i.      Spring Santos has volunteered to coordinate the order.

d.      Away Games

                                                              i.      The Reber family has volunteered to make food for the girls for some of the away games. 

                                                            ii.      Ms. Unger has volunteered to coordinate orders for the games that the food will be supported by the booster club.

e.      Senior Night CoordinatorsShannon Hackenberg and Amy Moser

f.        Team Treasurer- Cynthia Ryan

g.      New Equipment- Judy Shipe (coach representative)

                                                              i.      Request from the coaches to support the purchase of two coach’s shirts per coach.  Approved by booster club.

                                                            ii.      Team needs new uniform supplements.

1.      Approved by booster club

2.      Judy Shipe will follow up with a list of what is needed.

                             iii.   Light warm-ups- Discussion about purchasing light 

      weight warm-up jackets only. Player option of purchasing their own in addition to the team supply of a light weight warm up suggested for discussion.

1.  Heather Albertson will look into options.


h.      Fund Raisers

                                                              i.      Raffle- Last year tickets were sold in August/September for Raffle in October.  More information to come.  Elaine Craig has volunteered to coordinate.  Tickets were handed out to players.

                                                            ii.      Judy Shipe suggested the possibility of soccer scarves similar to Pro Soccer Team Scarves to sell.  Idea well received and Judy will look into possible vendor options.


i.        Pasta Dinner Nights- Parent Class Representatives Needed to Organize- (One evening per class the night before a game)  (Dates to be determined)

1.      Freshmen Class- Cynthia - TBD

2.      Sophomore Class- Carl and Heather Albertson- TBD

3.      Junior Class-Elaine Craig- September 1, 2010

4.      Senior Class-Linda Paugh- TBD

j.        Decals- Ed Krajewski will look into having Danville lady ironmen soccer decals made to sell.

k.      Concession Stand

                                                               i.      Judy Yumen and Heather Albertson will coordinate.

                                                             ii.      Requesting each parent to donate $10 or equal amount of water or Gatorade? ( Issue of space to store items)  Will address again at next meeting.  Unsure at this meeting if the shed would be moved close to the soccer park field to be able to use.  After the meeting, the shed was moved close to the field but it will not have electricity.

1.      We are still looking for volunteers that can be available to open the concession stand.

2.      Schedule will be made for all parents to participate in covering the concession stand during the home games.

3.      If it is your night to work the concession stand, please bring a food item to sell.  Additional food items are always welcome.


III.             Next Meeting will be September 2nd at the soccer park field after the scrimmage.


Heather Albertson, BSN, CCRP
Team Leader Hem/Onc
Clinical Trials /Cancer Service Line
Geisinger Health System
100 N. Academy Ave.
Danville, Pa. 17822-2001
Ph: (570)214-9501
Fax: (570)271-6195