Danville High School Girls Soccer
Booster Meeting Minutes
Millersburg 6v6 on Saturday 8/11
Ironman session in progress Mon-Thurs at 6:45PM, ending 8/9. Please plan
to attend or otherwise prepare to be in shape for the start of practices
2 a-day practices start Monday 8/13 at 8:00 & 5:30, running in the morning
and skills/formations in the evening
40 players have signed up for the team at this point, 22 have attended
Thursday summer league games
New for fall 2012, home uniforms must be completely white for all teams:
shirt, shorts, socks. No color may be on the uniform at all. School will
pay for new home uniforms and away socks. No additional soccer equipment
needs have been identified at this time.
All PA schools will play soccer in the fall of 2012, competition will
increase as a result. Anticipating a tough year. A lot of good teams in
HAC-I and will have to work hard.
South Williamsport has been dropped from the game schedule and Berwick has
been added. Will be playing at Berwick for the first game on turf.
Preliminary schedule is on the team website.
Players need to plan around games and practices. Freshmen will be released
for Orientation.
Reminder after school starts, school policy requires that you must be a
licensed driver to drive yourself to practice field. No ride-alongs
allowed. All others must ride bus.
Need to balance time between studies and soccer. Studies are first
Mandatory Player and Parent meeting on 8/12, 7:00 PM in the high school
Team and individual pictures Thursday 8/23 at 4:30 at the stadium. Please
be there by 4:15. Arrive early, as individual pictures can sometimes be
taken early.
Team calendar and information can be found on the team website:
Volunteers / Family Contributions:
Discussed need for volunteers. Any and all help would be appreciated.
Parents and players, please review the Committee List at the end of the
minutes and consider donating a little time to help out. Significant time
commitments are not required.
Coaches need someone to video tape all games to be used for training
purposes as well as volunteers to keep stats at games. (Note: Statisticians
cant cheer on the sidelines, or can be carded by officials)
Concession donations are needed by August 12th. All families are
asked to contribute one of each: 1 case of 16/20 oz of water, 1 case (24
cans) of soda, 1 case of 20 oz Gatorade bottles. Please bring to meeting,
Gary Ernest will collect and store. A cash donation of $20.00 will be
accepted in lieu of providing drinks.
Gas Raffle Fundraiser
1000 tickets available for sale and have been distributed to some of the
players. If anyone has not received tickets or would like to sell
additional tickets, please contact Cynthia Ryan. Need all tickets submitted
by August 12 for drawing at the mandatory meeting. Cost is $2.00 per
ticket, 4 - $100 winners, 2 - $75 winners, 2 - $50 winners, and 2 - $25
Need coordinator for Fundraising Committee
Discussed Gertrude Hawk Candy Bars Fundraiser. Decided to purchase $1.00
bars, 48 bars per case, $.40 profit for every bar sold, $19.20 profit per
case sold. Planning to initiate after school starts.
Discussed T-shirt fundraiser for players to sell. Need to look for design,
limit to 2 colors.
Car wash to raise funds and donate 50% of proceeds towards breast cancer
t-shirts for senior night / breast cancer awareness event. Car wash
scheduled for 8/18 from 11-2PM at Hawkins Body Shop on Rt 11. Dress Code is
shorts and t-shirts.
Discussed holding a mini soccer camp (Future Lady Ironmen) free to kids K-5th
grade to be run by the players. Event to be held 8/25 from 9-11AM at the
soccer complex. AYSO and newspaper to be contacted to advertise.
Committees for 2012 Fall Season - Update
Concession Stand
Coordinator - still needed
Helper Angie Walters
Duties :
Staffing create a work list that incorporates all parents. Varsity parents
cover JV games, JV parents cover varsity games.
Inventory know what we have and make a list of needs to be given to
Purchasing Team.
Remind parents of dates they are working stand.
Purchasing Supplies
Team Carla Raup 594-3380 (txt)
Kathy Sidler 854-2074 (txt)
Purchase all supplies needed for Concession stand.
Get list of needed supplies from Concession stand team.
Deliver supplies to stand.
Warm-up/T-shirt Order Committee
Coordinator Yvonne Knight
Helpers Zina Knight
T-shirt Designer Erin Sidler
Get new players sizes (have current players allow new girls to try on theirs
for accuracy)
Order warm-ups. (See Spring Taylor-Santos for information)
Work with team to create design for warm-up T-shirts.
Order warm-up T-shirts. (AllSports,Bloomsburg)
Spiritwear/Bag Order Committee
Coordinator Michele Moyer 764-2136 (txt)
Helper Bill Schneck
Order Athletic Bags for new players and for existing players if they need new
ones. (at players expense)
Get ideas for design of family/team spirit wear.
Distribute order forms, collect orders and money, money to treasurer. (no one
can place an order unless money is paid up front)
Place order, sort and distribute.
Fund Raiser Committee
Coordinator still needed
Helper Lisa Foster 441-3185 (txt)
Helper still needed
Gather ideas for fund raisers.
Bring information to Booster meetings.
Distribute material for fund raiser.
Keep track of who is given what/track return of money/items.
Give all money to treasurer.
Community Service Committee
Coordinator Sue Alberti
Helper still needed
Gather ideas to Pay It Forward,
Share information at Booster meetings.
Make project happen with help of all Parents/Team Members!!!
Away Game/ Summer Practice Committee
Coordinator Ernest Family
Arrange for parents to donate drinks and light snacks for 2 a days in Aug.
Sign up at July 22nd meeting!
Arrange for Subs/Sandwiches & drinks to be purchased and delivered to bus for
far away games. (maybe 2 per regular season)
Senior Night/ Breast Cancer Awareness Committee
Coordinator Michelle Moyer
Helper Cynthia Ryan
Helper Weifei Freedman
T-shirt Designer Julianne Ernest
Design/order Pink T-shirts to be worn by team/parents at game. Order extras
to sell.
Arrange for info and products on Breast Cancer awareness for game.
Order/pick up flowers for senior players and their Moms.
Purchase and distribute supplies to Junior players for posters and to decorate
stadium. This will include balloons usually purchased with flowers.
Design and print Program to be handed out at game. Include picture and
personal information on each senior player.
End of Year Banquet Committee
Coordinator still needed
Helper still needed
Helper still needed
Plan food, beverages, dessert etc. with committee for banquet.
Purchase gifts for seniors/coaches or assure someone is. (Cynthia has done it
the last 2 years, will do this year also)
Coordinate/create video slide show to honor seniors.
Upcoming meetings:
Team and parent
meeting Sunday 8/12/12 @ 7:00 PM, DHS cafeteria
Respectfully submitted,
Yvonne Knight