Danville High School Girls’ Soccer Boosters
Meeting Minutes – March 24, 2013
• Call to Order: Gary Ernest called the meeting to order at 7:10PM
• Attending: Gary Ernest, Cynthia Ryan, Yvonne Knight, Mike Heimbach, Carla Raup,
Kathy Sidler, Tony Knight, Terry Jones, Robert Chillis, Greg Shultz, Lisa
Foster, Mary Lou Potter, Karen Mettler, Mr. Shipe, Mrs. Brent, Julianne Ernest,
Coach Craig, Coach Shipe, Coach Boudman
• Coaches’ Report:
o 24 kids signed up for middle school program
o 2 days of Ironman training, 20 kids attended
o Coaches want warm-ups, t-shirts by 8/12/13, start of two-a-days for High
o Coach Craig discussed blacktop hazard at middle school field. Mr. Kanaskie
said that there are no plans to address this.
o Team calendar and information can be found on the team website:
o Access to team rosters, contact information - password :Montana
• Old Business:
o Board Nominations
Secretary: Terry Jones was nominated, seconded, and unanimously appointed
Treasurer: Lisa Foster was nominated, seconded, and unanimously appointed
Assistant Treasurer: Mary Lou Potter was nominated, seconded, and unanimously
Banquet Chair: Karen Mettler was nominated, seconded, and unanimously
o T-shirt design
Sample handed out to review, decided to keep same simple design and eliminate
the year to keep more generic and have extras on hand. Players can have name and
number added if they want.
Design provided to Equipment Chair Greg Shultz, need to get sizes
Middle school t-shirt design will be done by the team and voted on. Coach
Craig will forward design and sizes to Boosters for ordering.
o Scholarship Fund (Sheila Madigan Girls Soccer Fund)
Scholarship was awarded in 2012
Coach Craig will check with Stephanie Brown at the Guidance Office to
determine who the recipient was
Cynthia Ryan will confirm the amount of the award
A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously approved to continue the
scholarship for 2013 at $250.
o Warm ups and bag orders
There are 8 or 9 8th graders that will be moving up to high school in the fall
Warm-ups take longer to receive than bags and t-shirts. Warm-ups are fitted
and girls need to try on prior to ordering to ensure they get the right size.
Coach Craig will set aside time at a practice to do this.
o Booster meeting attendance
Discussed trying a group text message for reminders of meeting dates. Need to
get names and numbers of those who prefer this method of communication.
Sue Alberti was not in attendance, but is looking into Facebook
• Treasurer’s Report:
o Cynthia Ryan reported the Booster account balances
Checking balance –$2,442
Savings balance –$1,500
• New Business:
o Terry Jones reported that the fundraising committee had a phone conference
Discussed having a “snack shack” at the middle school games this spring.
Potential to earn $100 per game. Will request donations of drinks or $10 to get
started from the middle school parents. There are 6 home games.
This summer, could hold a yard sale at Buckley’s and/or car wash at Hawkins
50/50s for fall games, get players to help sell tickets
Solicit donations at Wal-Mart – make posters, request donations
Two officers of the Boosters need to get state police background checks to
apply for a small games of chance license. Gary Ernest completed this, and Terry
is working on his.
Terry will send out conference call info so that anyone who is interested in
participating can attend future fundraising committee meetings
o Banquet
Coach Boudman said that the banquet could be held at the Trinity Church again
and he will contact them to make arrangements.
• Upcoming meetings:
o Next Booster general meeting Sunday 5/5/13 @ 7:00PM, Freedman Room – DHS
• Meeting adjourned 8:10pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Yvonne Knight