Danville Area Girls Soccer
Booster Club Minutes
Meeting Date: 5/5/13
Minutes Date: 7/18/13

Attendees: Michael Heimbach, Sidler, Bob Chillis, Greg Schultz, Lisa Foster, Tom Craig, Joe Shipe
1. Review of Minutes
2. Old Business
3. New Business
4. Treasures Report
5. Committee Reports

1. Review of Minutes: Minutes reviewed approved motioned by Heimbach second by Sidler
2. Old Business:
a. Warm Up T Shirts, BAGS, Warm up Suit Order. Discussion regarding 25.00 contribution by all freshman parents toward warm ups. A concern was raised regarding players who did not return to play the next year.
Motion: To provide Warm Up Suits to freshman and Bags to sophomore
The motion was made by Bob Chillis, and seconded by Greg Schultz with all in favor.
b. Discussed ordering uniforms from Euro Sport as has been done historically. Rates are competitive if not the best.
c. Secretary discussed the resolution of outstanding checks. Both checks have been resolved a new check was issued and cashed for the Warm Up order from last year the second check was a deposit for the banquet, the check was return to the Booster Club and was accounted for by the treasurer.
d. The Boosters discussed Middle School Concession stand. All agree it was a success and provided additional funds to our club. A treasure report of those funds will be revealed at the next booster meeting. Discussion surrounded what we can do to make it more successful i.e. expanding food option, pricing, Pizza cost etc. Thank you to all those who helped to organize, and to Greg Schultz for the use of his trailer. Left over materials and drinks were given at the Pizza Party.
e. The boosters review the by-laws as it pertains to multiple signatures on all checks. Joe Shipe to research by laws for language to be discussed at future club meeting. In the interim the club motioned by Greg Schultz and Seconded by Terry Jones that When checks are written to individuals for reimbursement then two signatures are necessary, when checks are written to vendors, school, clubs where a paper trail/receipt is created then one signature is appropriate.
New Business:
1. Summer league to begin 6/13, 175.00 is needed for the 9 week schedule of games. Discussed and reinforced the need to encourage attendance.
2. Fundraising Discussion: Sale of T-Shirts to families Fundraiser committee meeting scheduled for 7/22/13 via tele conference. Additional items discussed were selling magnets, candy bars, and whoopie pies.
3. Greg Schultz reported Warm Ups he expects to have earlier as he has taken steps to have them available 6 weeks in advance.
4. Next Booster Meeting is scheduled for July 25th following summer league play. The meeting will be at 7 pm under the pavilion at the soccer complex.
5. The Booster club is still looking for parents to actively participate in the booster process.
Meeting Adjourned 830 pm