SHERIDAN FIELD (915 Sheridan St, Williamsport, PA)
- I-80 (or Rt 54 through Turbotville) to I-180N to Williamsport
- Go to the Faxon Exit & bear right; go straight through light (Northway Road)
- Left at next light, Sheridan St. (St. Anns church across street)
- Right at stop sign at corner of Sheridan and Sherman Streets
- 1/2 block up on left is the Sheridan Field
- I-80 (or Rt 54 through Turbotville) to I-180N past Williamsport
- Stay on I-180 to Route 15 North
- Take Route 15 North to the Hepburnville Exit
- Bear right to the light
- Turn right on Lycoming Creek Road
- Go 7/10 mile to Smith Street (located between Abby Signs on left and Union
Radiator Shop on the right, just after Bing's Motel)
- Turn right on Smith Street to reach complex